MessageFrom: George Papa [] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 5:07 PM To:; Cc: Matt Hulsizer; Jenny Makowiec; Danny Rosenthal; JP Just Subject: SR-BSE-2002-15 TO: Mr. Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission FROM: Mr. George Papa, Director PEAK6 Investments RE: SR-BSE-2002-15, Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. Filing to Establish Trading Rules for the Boston Options Exchange Facility. INTRODUCTION PEAK6 is a proprietary options market making and trading firm which routinely takes option postions and commits capital in the exchange listed options marketplace. PEAK6 currently has no affiliation with BOX or the Boston Stock Exchange. If approved, PEAK6 does intend to become a member of the BOX and participate fully in BOX markets. COMMENTS PEAK6 supports approval of the BOX submission and believes that the creation of an additional, fully automated, options exchange will enhance the competitive landscape within the options industry. In particular, PEAK6 believes that the creation of an options exchange with an open market structure that enables and encourages transparency represents a substantial improvement in the competive landscape of the exchange traded equity options marketplace and is both consistent with and suggested by the sound principles that have guided past SEC actions. Further, PEAK6 believes that that best way to achieve a true open and competitive equity options marketplace is through the employment of automation technology capable of reducing the effective time required to "interact" with the marketplace to a minimum established by extant technology limits rather than mandated by the requirements of human-hand order handling. Further, PEAK6 recognizes that the utilization of automation technology is a requirement for the effective remote or off-floor market making activities anticipated by the BOX proposal. Also, PEAK6 believes that the proposed price improvement period (PIP) mechanism represents a significant competitive improvement when compared with current customer order handling practices. Further, PEAK6 represents that it is both capable of, and interested in, participating in the short duration automated price improvement auction as described.