From: Damodharan Ramkumar [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 12:18 PM To: Subject: Re: BOX - SR-BSE-2002-15 To, Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549-0609 Dear Sir, I would like to bring to your kind attention that proposed Boston options Exchange (BOX) with its distinguishing feature Price Improvement Period (PIP) will reduce spreads and trading costs to option investors. This exchange should be encouraged and in my opinion SEC should apply pressure on other options exchanges to provide similar provisions in the trading systems so that wide spreads which contribute to huge trading costs can be eliminated. This will increase efficiency all the options exchanges, benefit all option market players and also improve liquidity for options. Thanks Damodharan Ramkumar