To: Office of Management and Budget Attn: Desk Officer for the Securities Exchange Commission Regarding: File No. S7-8-99 From: Mary Jo Rump, Y2K Project Manager, Securities America, Inc Date: April 12th, 1999 This correspondence is in response to the request for comment for File No. S7-8-99. Jeffrey Schwartz of the SEC's Division of Market Regulation was a presenter at the 11th Hour Contingency Planning Seminar in March. At the conclusion of Mr. Schwartz's presentation he encouraged those of us in attendance to send out comments concerning these temporary rules. Securities America, Inc is a fully disclosed broker dealer in Omaha Nebraska. Securities America uses National Financial Services Corporation as our clearing firm to maintain our client data and process our trades. The 17b7-2 rule has designated that August 31, 1999 will be the date used to determine if a broker/dealer will have operational capability. As a fully disclosed firm our operational capability is dependent on NFSC’s operational capability. SAI would like to see the August 31, 1999 date to be used for those firms that clear the trades like National Financial Services Corporation and other transfer agents. Yet another date should be proposed for those fully disclosed broker/dealers that would be used to insure that they have time to select another clearing firm and move their accounts to the new firm. Concern exists that if a Clearing firm was informed to cease business would affect our clients ability to manage their holdings in the time frame that it takes to transfer the accounts to the new clearing firm and to get access to the new firm’s Information systems. The Clearing firms that have been identified as being unable to meet the date handling deadline must insure that they will continue processing business until the last of their clients (broker/dealers) have moved all of their accounts. If Clearing firms are allowed to wait until October 15th, 1999 before finally acknowledging that they are unable to correct their data handling routines in their Information systems, there will be limited amount of time for the Year 2000 compliant clearing firms to absorb any new clients.