ONLINE TRADING INC. 2650 N. Military Trail, Suite 125 Boca Raton, FL 33431 August 6, 1998 Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities & Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington DC 20549 Re: File No. S7-7-98 Dear Mr. Katz: Online Trading Inc. ("Online") is a fully disclosed NASD Member Firm having a minimum net capital requirement of $100,000. Online believes that by forcing NASD member broker/dealers to engage an independent public accountant to attest to the specific assertions in the required Y2K reports sends is a poor idea for several reasons: 1. It assumes that the engaged accountant knows more about information systems than the broker/dealer's own management. 2. It sends a negative message conveying a lack of trust and confidence in reports provided to regulators by senior management of broker/dealers. 3. It assumes that the management of the broker/dealer is not concerned about the Y2K problems and its ability to properly service its clients. 4. It creates unnecessary expenditures in professional services which instead could be applied towards new software and hardware to directly address the Y2K problem. 5. The larger the broker/dealer the more it stands to lose with Y2K problems and the more likely it is to have internal staff capable of effectively addressing Y2K problems internally. I firmly believe in the Y2K status reports required by the SEC and the NASD; however, for the reasons listed above, forcing firms to independent attestation of these reports seems unnecessary and unproductive. I can be reached at 800-995-1076 if you wish to discuss this further. Sincerely, E. Steven zum Tobel, CPA CCO & CFO