Subject: Rule 15c2-11 Date: 11/22/99 11:35 AM Dear Sir, Regarding Rule 15c2-11 I wish to share my views in opposition to this proposed rule. I invest heavily in these companies that are going to be hurt indirectly by this proposed rule.If passed the liquidity in these companies is going to be non-existent. Not only are thousands of investors going to be wiped out but these emerging companies are no longer going to have access to the equity markets.Although well intentioned it will have just the opposite effect on folks like me. If i could make a suggestion: Forget about Rule 15c2-11. When people invest in these small companies you invest in the success or failure of that particular business.Buyer beware should be the motto. If you were really serious about protecting the interests of the small investor i would suggest you inact some kind of reglation limiting the size of these reverse spilts that some of these companies come up with. No single measure would protect the investor as much as this one. Thankyou for your time.I hope you come to the correct decision for myself and thousands of other investors that CHOOSE to invest in these start up companies. Wayne Ohlhausen