Subject: Rule 15c2-11; a better way - the intermediate private-sector Date: 01/19/2000 7:41 PM Obviously, the primarily responsible investing community has no use for the Rule 15c2-11 proposals. I find a lot of their arguments have merit, and the "chop shops" and swindlers will have no respect for the regulation to begin with. Would it not seem more practical to include an intermediadate tier of SEC approved and independent CPAs, who are payed by the SEC (which would derive the funding by application fees). The Class-SEC (at-arms-length) CPAs would review all applicants for public trading (Pink, BB, or otherwise) and both certify and follow the activities of the applicants - removing this burden from the Market Makers. No Class-SEC (at-arms-length) CPAs approval, no MM, not quotes, no trading...... If there are violations of this system, the Class-SEC (at-arms-length) CPAs and the slimeoid CEO both get sentenced to the Government funded Milken golf-club. And, it's a one-time, one-screw-up deal. You don't ever come back to trade or work in the system if you foul-up. "0"-tollerence, no "..Uncle Alan [Greenspan].." want's him to have another chance...!! In electrical construction, you only hire a bonehead/thief once..!! In the military you only violate your secrecy agreement once. Is there some reason that philosophy won't work in the Securities Business..?? A response would be appreciated. Respectfully, John M. Hollen, EE