Subject: File No. S7-8-99 Author: "Alex Hanson" Date: 4/9/99 1:34 PM Jonathon Katz, Secretary SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSSION Dear Sir: We appreciate as always the opportunity to comment on proposed regulation. In the case of the SEC proposed rule entitled "Operational Capability Requirements..." referenced above, we believe that your proposal has some major flaws that will increase the potential for mayem associated with Y2K, and would have exactly the opposite effect that you are trying to create. Most importantly, you seem to have missed the point that any broker dealer would have to completely shut down upon discovering a Y2K compliance problem that impaired (however slightly) a mission critical process at any time after 10/15/99. Thus, if on 10/16/99, a key broker dealer discovered a material Y2K problem it would be required to stop all trading, even though it might be confident that it would have the problem fixed in one week, with no operational impact on customers or required functions whatsoever. To read the letter of your proposed rules, the only contingency plan allowed for the slightest problem with any of these systems is to shut down, and await the SEC's mercy in allowing a restart, or be dissolved. Why bother requiring a contingency plan at all? Elsewhere in SEC and SRO documents it is readily stated that there will certainly be unexpected glitches regardless of the testing and preparation. Yet this rule implies that even a problem fixable before the real Y2K deadline would require a shut-down. This must be urgently addressed. Finally, we note that it seems a little unfair of the SEC to impose these rules with an August 30,1999 deadline with only 5 months notice, when the extent of this problem has been well known for years. Advancing the preparation deadline by perhaps two months at such a late stage is unfair to firms that have been planning and budgeting their remediation cycle for a year. Your sincerely, Alex Hanson General Securities Principal ST2 L.P. ST Partners, L.P. Sierra Trading Group L.L.C. 3rd Floor, 33 Witherspoon St. Princeton NJ 08542 609-921-9071