Date: 7/21/99

Dear Sirs, Madam:

        Please reconsider your plans with regards to the additional burdens being placed on OTC Bulletin Board and Pink Sheet companies.We are a small company based in Salt Lake City, Utah and our very servival depends being able to do business in a less restricted amnner than this proposal would suggest. We already have lost the ability to use 504 offerings and we can live with that, but the loss of market makers for our stock would be like slamming a door that we may never beable to open again.

        America was built on the backs of small companies like ours and now it feels that the larger companies with larger bank accounts are going to be the only ones left in the business world as seen by the SEC. How do you propose that a small start up company gets funding and help when every door that makes life bearable at this level is closed one after the other. If you want to destroy America, keep it up. Regulation is a good thing, pointless laws and well dug business pitfalls are quite another. Please let us stay in business. There are10 families that earn their living from this small insignificant OTC-BB company. Spend one year out here in our shoes and you would change your approach to regulation. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT, NOT ROAD BLOCKS.

  Wilf Blum
CMEC (trading on the OTC-BB)