From: Kelton Baker Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 08:32:21 -0600 Subject: S7-5-99 This is in regards to File No. S7-5-99: The reproposed amendments to Rule 15c2-11 would require all broker-dealers to review current issuer information before publishing priced quotations for a security. In addition, broker-dealers publishing priced quotations for a security would be required to review current information about the issuer annually and upon the occurrence of specified events. The main difference between this proposal and the original proposal is that some larger or more actively traded companies would be excluded from the rule's coverage. This spells death to the majority of OTC companies and makes an incredible burden upon market- makers. I think that Congress should be aware of these proposed changes. There is already a pending heavy burden being placed upon OTC companies to become fully reporting.