Date: 4/6/99 1:27 PM Subject: File No. S7-5-99 TO: Securities and Exchange Commission FROM: Donald L. Anderson, VP Investor Relations Gateway Energy Corporation (GNRG OTC BB) Having been active in the Securities Industry from 1956-1996, I am compelled to comment on the proposed rule amendments that are under consideration. This would impose "double jeopardy" on market makers as well as shareholders and management of small/micro cap companies. Why should market makers suffer from this increased liability from market making activities? As an officer and shareholder of a Company whose shares are traded on the Bulletin Board (BB) I have seen over the years, a "raising of the bar" for all BB and Pink Sheet quoted companies. WE ARE ALL IN FAVOR OF AUDITED STATEMENTS AND RESULTS FILED REGULARLY WITH THE SEC! That is the essence of the original filings required by the 1933/34 act. The public should be provided with all the accurate and truthful data by each company whose securities trade publicly, but why impose such punitive rules on those who have a valid business, report regularly, whose statements are both sound and audited by recognizeable CPA firms. You are about to kill enterprise and entrepreneuralism in this country. Just delist, or stop trading in those companies who are deliquent in their filing, or who fail to meet some regular balance sheet and earnings tests........or by the same logic that any firm can file a registration statement resulting in a securities offering why do you penalize those firms who are building their businesses in a business-like and acceptable manner. Let the public, who should be provided with truthful and complete data, make up their own minds. A $4.00 price barrier seems to be rather unrealistic and inconsistent for a "let-alone" policy by the regulators. Respectfully submitted, Donald L. Anderson