From: Ron Smith [] Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 11:51 AM To:;; Cc: OsheroffM@SEC.GOV; Subject: File No. S7-52-02 To: Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission RE: Comments on File No. S7-52-02, "Proposed Rule: Mandated Electronic Filing and Website Posting for Forms 3, 4 and 5" Dear Mr. Katz: I submit this letter in response to the request of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") for comments on its Proposed Rule "Mandated Electronic Filing and Website Posting for Forms 3, 4 and 5". I am the developer of Romeo & Dye's Section 16 Filer software, which is currently in use for Filing Forms 3, 4 & 5 on the EDGAR system. My comments are largely technical in nature and focus on the new web-based system (the "System") that is being proposed for submitting these forms. 1. Accessibility of New Web-based System to Third-Party Filer Software: Because a web-based system will not be able to provide the functionality present in current software systems used by Insiders, the Commission should make the System accessible to third-party software. Specifically, the System should allow third-party software to bypass any data entry screens and upload the Forms directly, using a version of the Reduced Content XFDL Specification currently accepted by EDGAR. The System should incorporate state-of-the art technologies such as web services and SOAP to allow third-party systems to directly transmit submissions, bypassing the need for a user to open his or her browser, navigate to the correct location on the SEC's website, and choose the correct file to submit. By providing third-party software a method of direct transmission, you will make the process of submission easier for filers and less prone to errors. 2. Data Format of Forms 3, 4 and 5 The current EDGAR system will allow forms to be submitted in a variety of formats, subject only to a few formatting rules. While this makes it easier for a filer converting a form from a word processing document, the end result is that electronic forms currently being submitted to EDGAR are not in a uniform data format- they merely mimic a paper form. The data cannot be easily converted into databases or spreadsheets or analyzed by common office productivity software. In addition, because forms are submitted in varying formats, forms filed by different Insiders look very different online and many are difficult to read. I strongly suggest that the Commission revise the Reduced Content XFDL Specification to specify an XML data format for each form. (The current XFDL specification is XML-like, but does not specify the actual data elements of the Form, only the filing information). The format for each form should be standard XML that encompasses all of the data elements to be collected. The Commission should also develop a separate XSL style sheet that will be used to format and display the corresponding XML data. In this way, by separating the data from the formatting, the data can be consistently displayed on the SEC's website and also be easily imported in to databases, spreadsheets, and other computer systems. XML and XSL is currently supported by most popular browsers and the XML and XSL specifications are an Internet standard. 3. Data Entry in New Web-based System The data entry portion of the System should allow for an unlimited number of rows in each of the transaction tables. Filings created with the data entry screens of the System should follow the same data formatting outlined in item 2 above. 4. Availability of New Web-based System The System should be available to accept filings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. Although the Commission does not operate during all of these times, the System can simply place the filings in a queue and disseminate them at the next available window. Providing this flexibility will make it easier for Insiders to file on a timely basis as they will not have to schedule their filings during the limited period that the filing website is currently available. I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Rule. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at (206) 254-0995. Ron Smith Real Technology