From: james curtis [] Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 9:16 AM To: Subject: rule-comments (s7-51-02) TOPIC: Opposition to proposed mutual fund reporting guidelines TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a long-time mutual fund investor with a number of major fund companies, I strongly oppose the recent SEC proposal to require fund managers to disclose fund holdings quarterly. (Reported in the Wall Street Journal 12-12-02) I view the proposed rule as detrimental to my fund managers' ability to acquire or sell positions in companies in a discreet manner over time while acting on behalf of my financial best interest. Managers of large funds are already at some disadvantage over individual traders in the market and this proposed change would only serve to put them at more of a disadvantage. Further, it is ludicrous to assume that mutual fund investors are so short-sighted as to base long term investment decisions upon quarterly fund-holdings! I, like most informed mutual fund investors, have a long-term time horizon---measured not in months or years, but in decades. I have thoroughly researched both the mutual fund companies with whom I do business and the fund managers whom I have, in-effect, hired to manage my retirement assets. Current rules for semi-annual disclosure are more than adequate. Please resist the political temptation to further ham-string fund managers. Instead, focus your energies on educating the public about the need for diversification in their fund selection and the importance of adhering to a long-term strategy tailored to their time-horizon and risk tolerance. Finally, is it not a bit disingenuous of a mutual fund company best known for promoting index funds to come-out in favor of rules changes which would serve to disadvantage more active fund managers? Sincerely, James G. Curtis 04910 Lakeshore Dr. Charlevoix, Mi. 49720 _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.