From: George Ritzlin [] Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 12:18 PM To: Subject: S7-38-02 Gentlemen: I wish to comment on proposed Rule S7-38-02 with respect to mutual fund reporting of proxy votes. My name is George Ritzlin. I am the owner of a small mail-order business. I was formerly a practicing CPA, and I have an MBA in finance. I have been an investor in stocks and mutual funds for approximately forty years. I strongly support the requirement that mutual funds promptly report their proxy votes. Mutual fund management has a primary duty to shareholders in its funds. This duty requires full disclosure of actions taken by fund management with regard to investments including voting of proxies. If fund managers oppose this because it conflicts with other interests then they should resign as fund managers. Also, I do not accept the argument that mutual fund managers need to suppress proxy voting information in order to maintain access to company management. If company management makes "correct" voting of proxies a condition of access, then they are failing in their duty to their shareholders and investments in such companies is questionable. It is unwise to invest in companies which place the interests of management above those of shareholders. Similarly, it is unwise to invest in mutual funds which place the interests of fund management above those of fund investors. What ever happened to the concept of fiduciary duty, not to mention business ethics? Most sincerely, George Ritzlin