From: Peter Buchta [] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:52 PM To: Subject: S7-36-02 Dear Sirs: This rule is a step in the right direction. I wholly support it. I feel that the individual shareholder should have voting rights, and information thereto when held by a fund. Fund managers do not like to 'rock the boat' when it comes to voting issues and should not be allowed to participate in such actions since unavoidable conflicts of interest come into play. A fund should be willing to allow the participation of individual shareholders. In my observations over questions asked by fund mangers during a company's conference calls, it seems that company management is given the typical carte blanche A-OK when it comes to making decisions. Funds tend to rubber stamp management's actions to avoid tipping the boat. In holding the portfolios for their clients they have unfairly acquired shareholder rights that can be deemed monopolistic and in violation of the appropriate anti-monopoly statues. Peter Buchta.