MEMORANDUMFrom: Huber, Steve [] Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 9:37 AM To: '' Subject: File no. S7-36-02 2Dec2002.doc December 2, 2002 Jonathan G. Katz VIA EMAIL: Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20549-0213 RE: File No. S7-36-02 Dear Secretary: I am the Executive Director of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (“STRS Ohio”). STRS Ohio is responsible for investing the pension plan assets for Ohio’s public school teachers. We invest on behalf of over 306,000 active and inactive teacher members throughout the State of Ohio and pay benefits to over 105,000 retired teachers. STRS Ohio and its Board very strongly believe that Registered Management Investment Companies (“mutual funds”) should disclose their proxy voting policy and proxy voting record in order to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interests of their clients. Mutual funds control a significant share of publicly traded U.S. corporate equity and they have an obligation to their investors to make this disclosure. Comments: 1. Both open-end and closed-end management investment companies should disclose their proxy voting policies and procedures annually. 2. The disclosure of proxy voting policies and procedures should be limited to issues involving corporate governance matters, changes to capital structure, director elections, management compensation issues, and stock option plans. 3. No disclosure should be required on issues related to social and corporate responsibility. 4. Both open-end and closed-end management investment companies should disclose their proxy voting record semi-annually. 5. The disclosure of proxy voting should be limited to issues involving corporate governance matters, changes to capital structure, director elections, management compensation issues, and stock option plans. 6. No disclosure of proxy votes should be required on issues related to social and corporate responsibility. 7. The use of U.S. mail or 800 numbers represent a significant and unnecessary cost to the management investment company. In the spirit of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the method of disclosure for the proxy voting record should be limited to the Internet via the management investment company website or the SEC website. 8. Management investment companies should be required to disclose when proxy votes are inconsistent with its proxy voting policy and procedures. On behalf of the STRS Ohio Board, our members, and our retirees, I would like to thank you for endeavoring to improve disclosure in this very important area and for considering the comments we have provided on the proposed rules listed above. If you have any questions, please reply to this Email. Sincerely, Herbert L. Dyer Executive Director STRS Ohio