From: Frank Patris [] Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:36 PM To: Subject: Congratulations on Proxy Disclosure Vote Thanks very much to the SEC for voting to require mutual fund companies to disclose how they vote their shareholder's shares. I am a small investor with both Vanguard and Fidelity, and was very disturbed by their self-serving op-ed article that appeared in the January 9, 2003 Wall Street Journal. If these funds should ever vote for any officer or director who for example has ever sat on the boards of one of the bad boys (Enron, Global Crossing, you know who they are) I want to know about it. These sweethearts, incompetents and outright crooks should always be exposed to the light of day. I also hope the funds will be forced to present their proxy voting information in a coherent and accessible form, so at least the financial press can ride herd on them if not the individual investor. Put it on line and we will find it. Thanks again for supporting and promoting financial market transparency and accountability, best regards, Frank Patris.