From: Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 2:19 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-36-02 Dear SEC Secretary, I support the SEC's proposed rule to require mutual funds to disclose how they vote on corporate proxy resolutions, which often deal with issues of concern to investors like me. The prevalence of corporate scandal provides ample evidence that we must demand greater transparency, responsibility and accountability from corporate America. Mutural funds account for 20 percent of proxy votes at corporate shareholder meetings - and they represent the interests of some 90 million Americans. Shareholders have the right to know how the managers of our funds cast their proxy votes. Without public disclosure, there is no way for me to know whether the manager of my mutual fund is voting in a manner that reflects my interests. I want to know how my mutual fund is voting on issues related to executive pay, board make-up and independence, environmental and social issues. I want potential conflicts of interest exposed. I want to know what principles will guide the mutual fund in determining how it votes in corporate proxy contests. As the owner of shares in a mutual fund, I am entitled to know how my proxy is being voted. I urge the SEC to stand up for investors, and for corporate accountability, by voting in favor of the proposed proxy voting rule. Thank you! Deborah Koken 1778 Kenwold Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627