From: Dan Dugan [] Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 7:38 PM To: Subject: SEC Proposed Rule - Mutual Funds (s7-36-02) I strongly support and encourage and effort to make the SEC proposal that would require mutual funds to disclose their proxy votes a reality. The public has a right to know who, how and what controls their investments. We've had Enron, we've had WorldCom and we had the junk bonds and the corporate raiding of working folks pension funds. IT IS TIME TO STOP THE COVER UPS, THEFT, DISHONESTY AND IMMORAL ACTS OF THOSE WHO WOULD DESTROY THE DREAMS & FUTURE OF OTHERS FOR SELF GAIN!! Please make the SEC proposed rule happen. America needs to be able to believe in the system once again. Tank You, Dan Dugan 20450 SW Deline St. Beaverton, OR 97007 email: