From: Arsenault [] Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 7:35 PM Subject: S7-36-02 I strongly support a requirement that a management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("fund") disclose in its registration statement the policies and procedures that it uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities. I also support a requirement that a fund file with the Commission the fund's proxy voting record and to disclose in its annual and semi-annual reports to shareholders information regarding any proxy votes that are inconsistent with its proxy voting policies and procedures. With regard to the proposed requirement that the fund make available on request free of charge its proxy voting record, I am concerned that the costs involved could be significant and that they will adversely affect returns. If the proxy voting record is made available on the web by both the fund and the SEC, requests for paper copies should be charged a nominal fee A reasonable fee would be appropriate and would reduce the likelihood of frivolous requests.