Author: "Bill Way" Date: 03/21/2000 10:41 AM Subject: s7-31-99 On the subject of full disclosure, I wish to state my strong support to "level the playing field". Yes, it will me some adjustments from standard procedures but it is long over due. I am certain you can resolve any issue about when a company's spokes person can talk to a select group and not report it. Such concerns are just a defensive play by the ones in control if the information. At a time that information is sent around the world in a second we need to get off of the horse and buggy ride and allow everyone to hear the facts. Control of information is controlling power! Power to the People! The general public is much more educated and knowledgeable of the financial markets than the professionals want to admit. Yes, many still need and want the help of professionals but not at the cost of giving up our rights to free access to information. They can no longer be the gate keepers. Open the doors to the information. It will mean some adjustments must be made. However, it is not an action that will turn the industry on its head as many feel. When I know what you know we are on a level playing field and the game is play much better by all. Thanks