Date: 01/24/2000 7:47 AM Subject: Selective Disclosure S7-31-99 Dear Sir/Madam: I heartily support Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading Regulation File No. S7-31-99. The continual and constant abuse of trading on insider information by the entrenched brokerage and investment establishment is an affront to every American. That such practices occur on a daily basis with the apparent (until now) sanction of the SEC is scandalous. Nowhere is the abusive practice of trading on insider information more apparent that in the practice of so-called "private investment conferences". These "conferences" are little more than protected scams for some special few to collude to trade on otherwise privileged insider (i.e. non-public) information. I heartily support leveling the playing field with Regulation FD and your dedication to the stated purpose of the SEC: "We are the investor's advocate" -- William O. Douglas, SEC Chairman, 1937-1939. Sincerely yours, Kenneth D. Tartof American Citizen and Investor