Date: 03/23/2000 8:30 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD Dear SEC administrator: I would like to support any move towards full public disclosure of financial information. If there is any preference to be given in terms of financial information it should be the stockholders, not brokers. All stockholders, not just an elite few. The history of the United States is about the growth of enfranchisement. Ever since the Boston Tea party Americans have wanted representation in their government and their finances. Ownership is key to wealth, by limiting information about ownership, we create barriers to developing wealth, and perhaps maintain a system which excludes the common American. Thank you for regulating an amazing market. A market that can make dreams come true, and with full disclosure those dreams could come true for even more people. Best of luck in all you do, Brian Oney 1701 O St. #310 Sacramento, CA 95814 _______________________________________________________ Get 100% FREE Internet Access powered by Excite Visit