Date: 03/22/2000 3:41 PM Subject: Proposed Regulation FD SEC: For certain wall street analysts to be allowed to be Privy to inside information on a company, while the general public is effectively shut out from the flow of information, treads way over the line of INSIDER TRADING. How can this not be illegal? Why are they not serving time in prison? If I even attempted to do the same thing, I suspect that I would be hauled into court, and summarily sentenced, before I could even open my mouth in my defense. Why are wall street brokers and big companies allowed to do this with impunity, to mine and everybody else's detriment? It is not fair! My money is just as green as anybody else's, but I'm handicapped by this "big institution" form of "cheating the unwashed masses". I'm happy to make my own mistakes, but they are HIDING information from me (in order to protect their FAT COMMISSIONS and FAVORED CLIENTS) and that could affect my own rational decisions. That is collusion on their part, and it is most definitely INSIDER TRADING by ANY definition of the term. Last time I looked, that was 100% illegal. Why are you not prosecuting this violation? Why aren't these people in jail and why aren't they barred for life from working as brokers? Whenever ANY information about a company's business and financial status is disseminated, it absolutely MUST be made available to everybody, IMMEDIATELY, without ANY delays. How can they justify releasing it to their "friendly brokers first" and everybody else a few days or even weeks later? That's not a level playing field. That is CHEATING and market manipulation, and can only be described as outright FRAUD. Why are the "big guys" allowed to profit from such a scam? ..... while us "little guys" didn't have the information to make an intelligent decision? I will match wits with ABSOLUTELY ANY money or market manager or analyst on wall street, based on having EQUAL access to ALL information, but why should I be handicapped by these companies and brokers dealing in INSIDER INFORMATION while I have to work within the legal framework of the law? Ken Maxfield An independent trader