Date: 12/19/1999 5:36 PM TO: RULE-COMMENTS at 03SEC Subject: "Proposed Regulation FD" I just discovered that the SEC is accepting public comment on Proposed Regulation FD. This is not to say that I have't been following the discussion avidly, which I have. While I do use a full service broker, I do my own research. I find it very annoying that since I only represent one small portion the company's shares that I am unable to listent to a conference call on how "My Company" is doing, yet my broker who may or may not be interested or own shares can. This is patentedly unfair and unreasonable. Who is more interested in how a company is doing than a part owner. Well those are my brief comments on the proposed rule change. I sincerely hope that you do past this rule change. Sincerely, Angela L. Davis