From: Fred Arnold [] Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 10:52 AM To: Subject: File No. S7-27-03 As a retiree with virtually all of his retirement income derived from mutual funds, I have followed this issue with interest. Hedge funds, individual investors, transfer agents, even the funds companies themselves have treated long-term investors in mutual funds as "chickens to be plucked". The recent investigations that have unearthed these loathesome and unethical practices have given us an opportunity to end, once and for all, the practice of late-trading, and I am wholly in support of the proposed rule. I want a hard-and-fast rule, though, not one that grants exceptions to fund intermediaries if they provide a laundry list of protections to prevent late trading. Granting exceptions to intermediaries will, I fear, simply allow the practice of late-trading to continue, albeit in a more sophisticated manner. Finally, let us not lose track of who we're trying to protect. Without mutual fund investors there would be no need for a mutual fund industry. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule, File No. S7-27-03. Fred Arnold