From: David Dsitko1 [] Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 1:15 PM To: Subject: S7-26-03: I would like to express my concerns regarding two areas of your proposal. First and most importantly, the 4 PM hard close will put mutual fund investors at a disadvantage versus individual stock investors. Most of us do not day trade our funds but it is important to know that we can reduce a position same day should a sharp market reduction occur. Under the proposed rule I would likely suffer two days of losses before getting out of a position. That is not fair to small investors and could be far more costly to the individual's account than the impact of a few hedge fund managers engaging in after hours trading. Please reconsider the inclusion of this rule. Second, the timing fee should be limited to 10 days. Market timers operate on a daily timeframe and 60 days just punishes small investors who perhaps enter into a fund at the wrong time and are trying to limit their losses. A better rule would be to limit the number of times an investor can make a round trip in and out of a fund to perhaps twice a year. David Sitko