TO: Public Comment File No. S7-26-02
FROM: Deborah F. Silberman
Office of Regulatory Policy
Division of Investment Management
DATE: September 27, 2002

On September 27, 2002, representatives from the Investment Company Institute and certain of its member firms ("ICI Group") met with staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to discuss a rule proposal regarding customer identification programs for mutual funds ("Proposed CIP Rule").1 From the SEC, the following staff members attended the meeting: Robert E. Plaze, Associate Director; C. Hunter Jones, Assistant Director; Martha B. Peterson, Special Counsel; Deborah F. Silberman, Division of Investment Management. From the Department of the Treasury, Charles Klingman, Senior Financial Economist, attended the meeting. The members of the ICI Group who attended the meeting are listed on the attached agenda, which the ICI Group provided.

The ICI Group reviewed the points and arguments made in the comment letter that the ICI submitted to the SEC and the Department of the Treasury, dated September 6, 2002, regarding the Proposed CIP Rule. The specific subjects discussed at the meeting also are listed on the attached agenda.


1 Release No. IC-25657 (July 12, 2002), 67 Fed. Reg. 48318 (July 23, 2002).