Subject: attn jonathan katz, file # S7-25-97 : please don't weaken sh Date: 11/22/97 3:38 PM Please do not weaken the rights of shareholders to bring resolutions onto company ballots, as you are proposing to do. We shareholders are supposedly owners of the corporations. we need the right to introduce resolutions that are not necessarily supported by management in order to keep management honest and ethical. the proposed rules raise the threshhold of votes needed to an unacceptably high level. it is important that we shareholders have the ability to bring before the whole body of shareholders, resolutions that challenge management's priorities. Please do not weaken the current standards which allow a shareholder with $1000 of stock to place a resolution on the ballot; and to successuvely keep it on the ballot if it receives 3%, 6% and 10% of the vote. your proposed raises of the threshhold and requirement that 3% put it on the first ballot if the company refuses to do so, will effectively kill this option. please do not do so ________________________________________________________________________ Joel Weisberg Department of Physics and Astronomy Carleton College Northfield, MN 55057 ________________________________________________________________________