Subject: Re: Protesting SEC proposal limiting minority shareholders Author: "M. H. Segal" Date: 12/3/97 8:03 PM December 3, 1997 To: Jonathan Katz Secretary, SEC 450 Fifth St,N.W. Washington, D.C.20549 Dear Mr. Katz: We wish to register a strong protest against the SEC proposal to limit shareholder activism. We are an average-income retired couple whose small investment portfolio is made up entirely of mutual funds and other securities screened for their social responsibility. Long before making these investments we were active in the movement by various religious groups to hold corporations accountable for their social impact by means of shareholder resolutions. To be able to "speak truth to power" in the economic sphere is as basic a right in our democracy as to do so in matters of politics. It has been noticeable recently that more and more small investors, and a growing number of conscientious stockholders, are responding to the concerns of society as a whole even at the expense of a lessened return on their investments. Please convey to the Commissioner our outrage that the proposed change could even be contemplated, and our hopes that in a vote, it will be soundly defeated. Sincerely, Mayer Segal & Elizabeth Segal 4480 Dubeault Rd. Bayside, CA 95524-9329 Tel: 707-826-9313 P.S. We sent this a week ago, before we found your correct e-mail address. Since then we've found that the public comment period has been extended. Our feelings on this matter as expressed above are even stronger, now that we've had a chance to sit on it. M. & E. S.