Subject: Proposed S7-25-97 Date: 11/24/97 9:27 AM I am writing to object to the proposed new rules, S7-25-97, and to urge you to stop them from being adopted. These proposed rules make it *too* difficult for shareholders to effect legitimate change in publicly held corporations. I particularly object to the "personal grievance" provision (C)(4). This is overly vague and would allow existing management to discount many issues and prevent many justified proposals from coming to a vote. Similarly, the reintroduction percentages covered in (C)(12) make it overly difficult for shareholders to reintroduce proposals. In addition, the override proposal (C)(7) sets an impossibly high hurdle for the typical shareholder and should be modified. The related revenue exclusion (C)(5) also sets too high a hurdle of revenues and allows too many justified proposals to be excluded. Thank you for your consideration of this letter. Again, I urge you to stop these proposed new rules from going into effect as they will weaken and dilute the legitimate exercise of shareholder influence. Sincerely, Geraldine Q. Ruthchild, Ph.D. President Exemplar, Ltd. (New York NY)