Author: RULE-COMMENTS at os1 Subject: File No. s7-25-97 Author: Kevin Richardson at Internet Date: 12/1/97 3:48 PM I am writing regarding File No. s7-25-97. I understand the legislation regarding allowing anyone with over 3% to automatically bring issues before the stockholders meeting. Because founders often have around this amount, this allows the original founder to stay involved (particularly important around the time of a new IPO, if issues arise between the founder and other early investors). However, I am not sure why only financial issues and/or issues impacting 3% of the companies profits and revenues would be able to be brought before the stockholders meeting. I would think that companies would want to address human rights issues (international and domestic) as well as other significant social resolutions, early in the process, and this bill might negatively impact their ability to do so. Can you explain this further to me or point me to more information? Can you revise the legislation to allow for social issues to be brought by groups of all sizes? Thank you for your consideration. Kevin Richardson