Subject: S7-25-97 Date: 11/15/97 4:02 PM Attn: Mr. Jonathon Katz This e-mail is in response to proposed changes in SEC regulations concerning the filing and voting on stockholder resolutions. I make these comments as an investor with a portfolio of slightly over $275,000 in stocks and mutual funds. I strongly oppose the proposed changes, or any similar changes which would have the effect of making it more difficult for stockholders to file resolutions with the company. I have never filed such an action, but have often believed that it is the best interest of the company, of myself, and of the public good to support such actions. Mr. Katz, these stockholder resolutions are the only ways that a small investor like myself has of effecting the management of the company of which I am part owner. I am glad to be a stockholder (despite last month, 1997 has been a great year), and I feel that the possibility of stockholder resolutions allows me to remain an active investor while still maintaining a sense of the need for corporate responsibility. Without stockholder resolutions, the only responsible alternative for me would be to find some other (less profitable) course of investment. I hope that the rules governing the filing and continued voting on stockholder resolutions will not be changed. Thank You, Douglas Orbaker