Date: 1/5/98 1:54 PM Subject: rule S7-25-97 (the stockholder gag rule) I'm writing to tell you that I oppose the stockholder gag rule (rule S7-25-97) currently under consideration. Stockholders, who, after all, own the corporations, MUST be free to bring up any topic for consideration, debate and vote at stockholder meetings. I am particularly disturbed that many of the stockholder motions you plan to outlaw are ones that do and will have a significant effect on women and minorities. This is simply not acceptable. The right to bring motions and provide information on issues including fair employment practices (such as sex and race discrimination and harassment) need to be protected and encouraged to insure safe and fair employment practices. These topics cannot be barred from stockholders' attention. Similarly, it is essential to the well being of workers everywhere that questions on gender balancing boards, the use of child labor, etc. be raised in stockholder meetings so that employees, investors and customers have the information and leverage to force corporations to clean up their acts when corporations refuse or hesitate to act on their own. Thank you for your attention. Kathryn Mason 153 Barren Rd. Media PA 19063