Subject: Proposed Rule S7-25-97 November 11, 1997 Arthur Levitt, Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission 450 5th St., NW Washington, DC 20549, U.S.A. Dear Chairman Levitt: I was frankly appalled, but hardly surprised to hear that the Securities and Exchange Commission is contemplating a change in rules (proposed rule S7-25-97) that would virtually eliminate the ability of share holder to present independent resolutions to require corporate accountability to shareholder interests. The only shred of legitimacy our corrupt system of corporate rule has is its presumed accountability to shareholders. Now it seems the corporate bosses find even that bit of accountability an intolerable inconvenience. You may have noticed that the credibility of our major institutions, including government and corporations is at an all time low. A rule change such as proposed will be one more blow to that credibility and further weaken what little remains of democracy in the face of the big money buy out of our government. As the author of When Corporations Rule the World I spend a great deal of my time speaking with citizen groups across the country about the abuses of corporate power and the corruption of our government. I can assure you there is a potentially massive political backlash building against the abuses that such a rule change will only further. The people of this country are going to take back their economy and their government and their government one way or another. They are fed up. If you continue taking away the avenues for effective peaceful democratic expression I fear for the consequences. Are the militias to become the only means left for the expression of citizen grievances and the expression of democratic rights? I implore you, stop this rule change. You and your Commission should be looking for every opportunity to strengthen the accountability of corporate management to the public interest-not weaken it. Remember. Your sworn responsibility is to protect the public interest, not the interests of the Business Roundtable. Sincerely, David C. Korten Author, When Corporations Rule the World CC: Senator Alfonse D'Amato, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510 Senator Paul Sarbanes, U.S. Senate, Washington DC 20510 Representative Carolyn Maloney, House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 David C. Korten PCDForum - Fax (1-212) 242-1901 Globalize Consciousness - Localize Economies Visit our web site: