Date: 1/5/98 5:59 PM Subject: s7-25-97 As someone responsible for helping my grandmother administer nearly $1 million in stock assets and as a shareholder (past and present) in my own right in a number of different funds and individual stocks, I would like to record my utter disbelief in the proposed rules change that would seek to prevent stockholder initiatives from being voted upon and deliberated at open stockholder meetings. This is a bad rule. In our current system it is already difficult for OWNERS (shareholders) to properly direct increasingly powerful and insulated boards that should rightly act in OUR interests, not those of a few powerful owners able to command appointments and elections that server their limited views. Just as there should be no taxation without representation, your ill-guided attempt to further reduce the rights of ownership and control of ALL owners (or shareholders) is a mockery of what this nation stands for. Sincerely, William Affleck-Asch 6542 Jones Ave NW Seattle WA 98117-5741 (currently on vacation in Santa Barbara, where many other stockholders that I know of have voiced their opposition to this proposed rule change, but are busy with their own holidays) (biographical information in Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in the Media, and numerous international references)