Date: 1/5/98 2:50 PM Subject: S7-25-97 I am writing to oppose adoption of rule S7-25-97 which would limit stockholder options, particularly in areas of sex and race discrimination and harassement, on questions of gender balancing on boards of directors, and child labor. As a stock holder in several blue chip corporations I resent any curtailment of my rights to question the activities of corporate management, who are working for me as an owner. I believe that the stock holder initiative is the only mechanism available for stockholders to hold management accountable for their actions. As a woman I have fought long and hard for equality and equal opportunity. Stockholder initiatives and the right to appear at board meetings have helped to open doors to both women and people of color. As a woman and as a stockholder I urge that rule S7-25-97 be defeated. Sincerely, Nedda C. Allbray, Ph.D.