From: Tiffany P. Hurley [] Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:23 AM To: Cc: Subject: PAB (s7-24-02) I think a PAB would be good for the accounting profession, but I am not sure if the proposed PAB is exactly what we need. I feel that if we are doing our jobs correctly and accurately we should not be hindered by an oversight board. Although, if the board that will be doing the oversight does not understand the profession or the way an audit works, can they really be a help? It is not very clear to me how they will be able to do quality control checks over audits if they do not know about how an audit works. The proposed PAB sounds good, and something needs to be there to hold a higher power and be able to discipline, but not something that consists of non accountants. You don't have law enforcement that doesn't understand the law. The proposed PAB is supposed to have be an effective oversight for the accounting profession, but does not want accountants to be the ones to do it? Then who? Who else understands enough to be able to effectively look into and discipline the profession. We need a PAB, but we need it to be a private entity of accountants, not affiliated with the AICPA, who can look into matters of audit with a knowing eye and be able to discipline if needed. I feel to make this committee impartial it would not need to be funded by the companies, but by the the market. This way they would be working for the investors not the accountants or the companies. I am new to the accounting profession and I wish that an oversight board was not needed, but since mistakes have been made that have been so large, I don't see how we can keep going along like we are now. Someone or something has got to step in to balance out the client/auditor relationship. Tiffany Accountant/Student