From: Stock Alerts [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:58 PM To: Subject: REGULATION SHO (s7-23-03) This is a very bad, bad move and appears to have been rushed thru. Maybe Spitzer was looking at shorting? In case you haven't noticed, Bulletin Board stocks are flying higher and higher every day. And moves of 400% to 1000% are happening. Where are these short sale boogeymen holding down equity prices? This is a reaction to a long bear market in stocks that it appears we emerged from in march of this year. You should be regulating the touting of many of these stocks.......I don't see ANY NEED TO CURB SHORTING.... This proposal will only be of benefit to Pump and Dump artists, who will make sure all stock is delivered out of DTC MAKING THE STOCK VIRTUALLY UNSHORTABLE!!! AND YOU AT THE SEC TALK ABOUT THE "FREE FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND!" watch stocks move $1 on 500 to a few thousand shares....this will only increase VOLATILTY...... Join the REAL WORLD and realize you can't legislate morality.......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard