From: Randy Hand [] Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:52 AM To: Subject: File No. S7-23-03 This letter is in reference to my opposition to the practice of naked short selling in the stock market. This practice in my opinion has become the easiest way to rob hard working Americans that are trying to find some way to acquire enough money to some day retire comfortably. If I invest my hard earned money and precious little time available into researching companies to invest in, only to see the stock price fluctuate wildly on absolutely NO NEWS! I know that there is shorting going on or manipulation by the market managers! The practice of naked shorting is widely known and is being used to steal from those of us that ACTUALLY OWN the stocks and is destroying the integrity of the American Stock Exchange! It is also wreaking havok on many companies their stock holders that see their stock value swing drastically for no apparent reason. Tell Me...... If I own several cars/trucks and pay an overseer to watch over them, is it wrong for that overseer to allow others to come in and borrow my cars unbeknownst to me to: 1.) Use for their own purpose and make a profit ??? 2.) Erode the value of MY cars because of the way that they have used MY cars ??? 3.) Pay me NO compensation whatsoever to use MY cars to make his profit ??? And what about the overseer ? 1.) IS IT RIGHT, his making money, lending out my cars WITHOUT my knowledge ??? 2.) Is he not as guilty if not MORE than the person using my cars ??? 3.) Are YOU...!!! the SEC not as guilty as both, being the police officer on the street watching the whole thing and just looking the other way ??? Yes ..... I'm angry about this! The fox has been running the hen house far too long! It's time to get some integrity back in the American Stock Exchange and this is the perfect place to start. Regards Randy Hand _________________________________________________________________ From the hottest toys to tips on keeping fit this winter, you’ll find a range of helpful holiday info here.