From: Kristopher Goldhair [] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 10:38 AM To: Subject: Regulation SHO Securities and Exchange Commmision 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549-0609 RE: File No. S7-23-03 Dear Mr. Katz: Please find enclosed my comments opposing the proposed Regulation SHO. I am an equity trader with over 4 years experience and an Economics Degree from Columbia University. The proposed regulations, namely the statute allowing short sales to be effected only one cent above the bid, would be a severe hindrance to a fair and orderly marketplace. However, the pilot program to study the effects of relatively unrestricted short selling on liquid securities is a fine idea that deserves to be studied. Permitting short sales only above the bid would create unnatural equity pricing. Stocks would not be able to flow to their correct levels due to market makers and ECN's keeping irrelevant prices. The illiquidity from these static quotes would also hurt the marketplace for obvious reasons. For example: if an Instinet in YHOO were able to hold the bid unmolested for hours while the market was collapsing, inefficent and unfair pricing would result. The pilot program allows for true capitalism in the marketplace. It would give stocks the transparency and liquidity the United States securites market deserves. I am in favor of testing this regulation. Investors and Traders depend on the SEC to maintain an equitable, transparent and most of all free stock market. I have clearly stressed my position on the proposed regulations and hope the SEC will consider my opinion. My elite education and significant professional experience lend credibility to these ideas. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Kristopher Goldhair -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get reliable dial-up Internet access now with our limited-time introductory offer.