From: Jeffrey Bennett [] Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 4:25 PM To: Subject: NASD Rull 3370 Deadline Extension To Whom It May Concern (as I'm not sure who will actually read this message) Please help me to understand why the SEC allows for this kind of thing to go on.... >>> NASD Notice to Members 04-08 Effective Date of Amendments to NASD Rule 3370 (Affirmative Determination Requirements) Extended to April 1, 2004 Executive Summary NASD is delaying the effective date of amendments to Rule 3370 (Prompt Receipt and Delivery of Securities--the ''Affirmative Determination'' Rule) approved by the SEC in November 2003,1 until April 1, 2004. The amendments expand the scope of the affirmative determination requirements to include orders received from broker/dealers that are not members of NASD (''non-member broker/dealers''). The effective date of the amendments originally was February 20, 2004.2 NASD understands that some members need to make significant technological changes to their systems to comply with the new requirements; therefore, NASD is extending the effective date to provide members with additional time to make such changes. >>> Why is the NASD allowed to extend this deadline? Just as it appeared that shorts began covering their naked positions, the NASD steps in and gives them a reprieve. And who can only imagine how many other reprieves may be presented to these guys. Why is the government not going after these fringe broker/dealers more aggressively? Why is the common investor the one who in general is always one of the last ones to profit from his hard-earned investment? I'm not asking anyone to fix the system all in one swipe. But, I would sure like for someone to explain why this deadline was extended at the last moment. And, I would also like for someone to explain what is being done to police the actions of fringe investment broker/dealers. I'm only in my late 40's; but, I've already begun to rethink my investment strategy. The last four years have really taken a toll on me. I can be responsible for myself; but, when the rules are changed to benefit those in the system at the expense of the little guy, I really question why I continue to invest. I have a great broker. And, I believe I invest for the right reasons. But, after the effective date of the rule was extended... I watched one of my investments drop 25%... I lost over $5,000 on that one investment alone because the crooks realized that they had an extra month and a half to cover their naked short positions. Just when it looked like the system would work in favor of the guy on the street. I don't know why I'm complaining. It's hard to believe that anyone really cares enough to do the right thing. I guess I just wanted to vent. Sincerely, Jeff Bennett 7515 Fieldstone Ct. Indianapolis, Indiana 46254