From: Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:39 AM To: Cc: Subject: Short Sale Up Tick Elimination in 2005 (s7-23-03) Mr. Donaldson, I could not believe my ears when I heard that the SEC was going to eliminate the up tick rule for short sales. That is the most foolish thing I have ever heard from an organization that is supposed to protect investors from stock price manipulation. What you should be testing is short sale elimination except for market makers. That would protect investors from stock price manipulation, protect companies from having their stock value artificially destroyed, and protect innocent, hard working Americans from having their investment dollars stolen from them by short sellers, primarily hedge funds, while they are at work unaware of the theft that is going on in the value of their investments. The primary reason for the decline in stock prices since March 2000 until today is the massive amount of unchecked short selling. It destroyed the economy, confidence of company management to invest, the nest eggs of American workers, and shifted trillions of dollars from hard working Americans to a few very greedy and wealthy short sellers. I think there are some short sellers with more money than Bill Gates but nobody will ever know. I do know by watching the trading on the markets since March 2000 up to the present time that the stock markets are controlled by large amounts of short selling money and there wealth continues to grow while the wealth of Americans and the value of public companies continue to decline. My name is Don Jackson, an individual stock investor. Email address is Home phone is (361) 242-1293. Home address is P. O. Box 6, Robstown, TX 78380. Sincerely, Don Jackson