From: Christopher Roberts [] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:49 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-23-03 Proposed Regulation SHO Dear Commission, I must say I am absolutley disgusted with the the lack of enforcement at the SEC. The SEC continues to ignore public outcry when it comes to protecting the ones you have been hired to protect. First it was the "Conflict of intrest" fiasco, then it was the "Enrons, Tycos, and World coms", and next was the "Mutual fund scandal"..... And here we are today, 4 years since 1999 when you first sought comment on Naked shorting and Failed trade settlements and you have done ZERO to step in and uphold the laws.... You have received THOUSANDS of letters from companies and investors BEGGING YOU, to step in and investigate and enforce laws to end this abuse, BUT YET YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING??? Why? why? why? Just who are you protecting???? My suggestions would be, as well as passing all the proposed rules for Reg SHO, immediatley enforce all current rules, after all, you have admitted that naked short selling is illegal, well if its illegal STOP IT ALREADY..... Are you waiting for Mr. Elliot Spitzer to show you up once again? I also suggest you make for stiffer penalties for all who continue this illegal naked shorting. Thank you. Chris Roberts Rochester MN _________________________________________________________________ Page a contact’s mobile phone with MSN Messenger. Get it FREE!