From: Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 11:16 PM To: Subject: File # S7-23-03 I have been a proprietary trader since 96 and trade millions of shares each year. Your latest rule for file # S7-23-03 tries to fix one problem with the markets by creating another one. Recently you have uncovered illegal after hours trading among mutual funds so why not get rid of after hours trading all together since that is how you are correcting the problem of illegal shorts in the market. Someone trying to do a straight sale of his position should not be penalized for someone else's trading activity. There are no restrictions for the purchase of a security so how could there be any on the sale. This new rule dictates when i can sell a stock and does not allow me to sell it when i want to. When i am trading numerous positions not every stock will be on an up-tick when when the market is going up but when things are going down up-ticks are hard to find in any position. Whoever is in charge needs to stop watching CNBC and fix the real problems in the marketplace.