Subject: File No. S7-22-99 Audit Committee Disclosure Rules Author: "MIKE DEE" at Internet Date: 11/22/99 9:43 AM My only comment has to do with proposed requirement that independent auditors review the financial information included in the 10-QSB. I work for a small community bank. If this requirement is included in the new rule, will the SEC extend the filing deadline - at least for SB filers ,who typically do not hav ethe resources to accelerate the preparation of these reports? On a quarterly basis, we close the books, prepare internal reports for management & the Board, complete the call report for the Federal Reserve, close out the next month end, prepare internal reports and then prepare the 10-QSB. There is no slack in this time-line. Since the auditors wiould probably require at least a week to review, this requirement would probably push us over the edge as far as having to hire a person whise primary responsibility would be regulatory reporting.