To: Jonathan G. Katz Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street NW Washington DC 20549-0609 Date: June 25, 2002 Re: Comments on Proposed Rule - Additional Form 8-K Disclosure Requirements and Acceleration of Filing Date File No: S7-22-02 My name is Steve Quinlivan and I am a practicing securities lawyer, and the views expressed herein are my own and not those of any firm or client. --With respect to Item 1.01, "Entry Into a Material Agreement", I am opposed to any requirement to disclose a non-binding agreement such as an unexecuted term sheet, or a mere no-shop provision, typical in acquisition transactions. I believe announcement of these transactions would result in material disruptions and not provide any corresponding benefit. Many public companies begin acquisition transactions with a term sheet, to form a basis of understanding with which to proceed to due diligence. It is simply not worth the effort to commence diligence if price has not been agreed in general terms, but the number of issues to be resolved and work to be done usually mean disclosure of the tentative transaction is too preliminary to provide useful information to investors. In addition any disclosure requirement would provide a chilling effect on exploration of acquisitions. The reason is if preliminary talks must be disclosed, management may be hesitant to enter into such talks, based on the fear of embarrassment and disruption if such transactions are not completed. --I am opposed to Item 1.02 "Termination or Reduction of a Business Relationship with a Customer". Customer relations are often fluid, and customers often seek to exert bargaining power by threats of reduced purchases. Those threats are often met with counter proposals and the like. Management will not have an objective basis with which to determine if a customer notification is a permanent change, or a heavy handed threat to attempt to renegotiate terms. Disclosure in general terms of items should be picked up in the MD&A. --With respect to Item 2.01, the Commission should use this amendment to delete the filing requirement set forth in Regulation S-K Item 601(b)(10)(C) which calls for filing "any contract calling for the sale of any property, plant or equipment for a consideration exceeding 15% of such fixed assets on a consolidated basis". The Form 8-K should be the exclusive rule for filing acquisition and divestiture agreements; differing thresholds in Item 601 do not appear to make sense. --The proposed 2 day filing deadline is too short, given that review by company management, its counsel and auditors is often required. Many of the proposed disclosures would be triggered by events beyond the issuers control and advance preparation would not be an option. The Commission proposes allowing a two day extension by modification to Rule 12b-25. However, market disruptions are likely to be caused by incomplete information included in such a 12b-25 filing, and the proposal should be extended to four days without a 12b-25 filing extension at the option of an issuer. Very truly yours, Steve Quinlivan Steve Quinlivan Leonard, Street and Deinard Suite 2300 150 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Telephone:612 335 7076 Fax:612 335 1657