Subject: File No. S7-20-04
From: Charles R. Lee
July 8, 2004
Jonathan G. Katz
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549-0609
Mr. Katz,
MidFirst Bank, an Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS") regulated savings
association, appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Securities and
Exchange Commission's (SEC's) proposed amendment extending investment
advisor exceptions to thrift institutions. As the SEC outlined in the
proposal, banks have long been exempt from the definition of investment
advisor and the related registration requirements of the Investment Advisers
Act of 1940. Savings associations however, due largely to the fact they
were not authorized to engage in trust and investment activities
contemplated by the Investment Advisors Act until 1980 with the passage of
the Depository Institution Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, have not
enjoyed those same exemptions with the result being a disparity in
treatment. The rule change as proposed by the SEC remedies a part of this
disparity; however, MidFirst requests consideration be given to providing
thrifts with full parity with banks.
As the SEC has acknowledged, investment and fiduciary related activities
offered by thrifts and banks continue to converge thereby making the
products and services offered by both types of entities virtually
indistinguishable to members of the general public. Additionally, both
types of entities are subject to detailed statutes, regulations, and
oversight (including in-depth safety and soundness and trust examinations on
a regular schedule) by one or more of the banking agencies. Given the
similarity in services, regulatory oversight, and customer expectations, the
SEC's proposal to provide regulatory relief by extending some of the
Investment Advisor exceptions available to banks is laudable and fully
supported by MidFirst.
However, MidFirst suggests that the SEC consider extending all Investment
Advisor exceptions to thrifts to the same extent they are granted to banks.
The level of regulatory oversight performed by the OTS is similar to that
performed by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC"); of
note, both the OTS and the OCC are sister agencies within the United States
Treasury Department thereby increasing the level of coordinated and
consistent regulatory focus on both savings associations regulated by the
OTS and banks regulated by the OCC. However if the rule were adopted as
proposed, banks would continue to enjoy Investment Advisor exceptions that
would remain unavailable to savings associations. As a result, despite the
proposal, thrifts would continue to suffer a competitive disadvantage in
relation to banks. Thrifts would also be at a competitive disadvantage to
non-bank advisors regulated only by the SEC rather than by the SEC and a
banking agency. MidFirst therefore encourages the SEC to provide savings
associations with the same exceptions available to banks.
Finally, the proposal as drafted with a bifurcated approach exempting
certain advisory activities but not others will require thrifts to maintain
documentation meeting SEC standards for all investment advisory related
activities whether exempt or not. While the level of documentation in some
cases may be reduced, the need for the documentation for activities meeting
the exception mitigates, perhaps fully eliminates, the benefits afforded by
full parity with banks. As outlined above, banks and thrifts offer similar
services to similar customer groups and are regulated by agencies with
similar charges, regulations, and enforcement powers. If the full range of
exemptions is appropriate for banks, then it is logical to conclude that the
full range is fully appropriate for savings associations.
Again, MidFirst appreciates the opportunity to comment and supports the
SEC's proposed rule, but MidFirst requests that savings associations be
granted identical Investment Advisor exceptions as those enjoyed by banks.
Charles R. Lee
Vice President and
Director of Bank Administration
MidFirst Bank
P.O. Box 26750
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
405 767 7000