From: Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:13 PM To: Cc: Subject: S7-19-03 To: SEC Governor From: William and Paula Macy Subject: Reform of Director Elections Over the years, we have owned stock in a great many companies. We have always been repulsed and angered with the process since it is totally reactive and, contrary to the norm in our society, it does not structurally allow for any proactive input. Moreover, it offers no choice other than voting against a director. 1. We see the immediate need to offer, at the minimum, 1 more candidate than the openings available...and if a larger number than 6 seats are open, perhaps a percentage...say 35%. 2. An open, easily accessible, petition process should also be available to allow corporate owners (stockholders) to propose and submit for election, directors of their own choice. The first item is a no-brainer...incumbents should not have total control of the process, nor should management. The second item should allow input from the owners without totally destabilizing long-term management goals and processes too easily. On the other hand, some means is needed to allow disrupting rogue; Enron, Tyco, et al. SEC governance should also be modified to become proactive. Records are easily available identifying stockholders...of any and all companies. The SEC should be actively requesting input from stockholders rather than having a hit and miss process where stockholders become aware of an issue like this through the media and advisors. Sincerely, William and Paula Macy