U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

639 individuals or entities express brief statements of support on S7-19-03.

Examples of Letter Type M:

"I believe that the SEC should pass the rule now open to comment regarding limited shareholder proxy access."

"I approve of the proposed rule giving investors limited proxy."

"I believe in a democratic business world, and I support the comission's proposed shareholder proxy access rule. The triggers seem tailored more for management interests, but after sixty years, it is a step in the right direction."

"I think that shareholders should be able to nominate their own directors, and I think that they should not have to jump through hoops to do so. Give them proxy access, remove the triggers attached to your proposed rule, and watch corporate management scramble to reform itself under the accountability that follows."

"I thank the commission for considering the nomination of directors by security holders. I support the new rule, and recognize the compromise reflected therein. It seems to be a carefully balanced offering."

"I write the commission to ask that you adopt the proposed rule regarding shareholder proxy access. Corporate executives should not be able to hand-pick their supervisors when the rest of us can’t."

"The recently proposed rule at the commission regarding investor director nominations should be approved immediately."

"Please approve the proposed rule regarding shareholder nomination of director candidates."

"I urge the SEC to pass the proposed rule giving shareholders the ability to nominate candidates for board elections. This is the right thing to do."

"I support the new SEC rule proposal referenced above. Thank you."

"I would like to express my support for the investor director nominations rule now under consideration at the commission. Thank you."

"I ask the commission to approve the proposed shareholder director nominations rule. Thank you for your time."

"The US Securities and Exchange Commission should approve the proposed rule to give investors limited proxy access."


Modified: 05/17/2004