From: Oostur Raza [] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 1:05 PM To: '' Subject: S7-19-03 The core problem with respect to Directors stems from the current nomination and election process for directors. The practice of nominating and recommending slate of directors by the management prepares the grounds for favorable reporting or hiding. Most of these nominations come with the tacit agreement "you scratch my back, I will (directly or indirectly) scratch yours". I suggest that SEC should come up with a new nominating process. Something which requires each candidate to get endorsement of outside stock holders in addition to insiders. Sincerely, _____________________________________________ Oostur Raza Vice President, U.S. Operation Fujitsu Interconnect Technology Ph: 408-737-5741 Fax: 408-737-5993 Cell: 408-981-8999 Email: